Chinese Opera
Publisher:Hubei Education Press
Author:Zheng Chuanying
出版時(shí)間:2019年 3月
Publication Date: 2019.3
ISBN: 978-7-5564-2297-5
This book presents the development of Chinese opera and explains its regular pattern and also
analyses its aesthetic standards. It not only concentrates on the history of Chinese Opera but also pay attention to its present situation; not only cares for the creation of the drama but also stresses on the construction of the stage; not only gives full account of the Operas of Han but also writes about some ethnic Operas.
This book try to dig out the quintessence of traditional Chinese culture through explanation of Chinese Opera in order to let people nowadays get to know the essence of Chinese Opera and the true meaning of traditional Chinese virtues.
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電 話:027 83630365
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Contact:Zhang Yuanyuan
Tel:027 83630365
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